the+jeanies — similar artists: the jeanies, telephone lovers, chris richards and the subtractions, barreracudas, diamond hands, baby shakes, the whiffs, the pantookas, the shanghais, the breakdowns, evil arrows, phonograph, the top boost, hippodrome, the new trocaderos, greg ieronimo, uni boys, freezing hands, tommy ray (& the cry!!), the suitesixteen, billy tibbals, gleeson, radio days, the rainyard, hot nun, the smarthearts, the resonars, the airport 77s, the rallies, the stanleys, radio ready, candygirl, wyldlife, The Pacifics, music city, thee tsunamis, roger c. reale & rue morgue, the complicated men, the empty hearts, nice man, action city, sunday sun, the bye bye blackbirds, first base, the sunchymes, somerdale, the connection, piñata records, the real impossibles, the zags, the ghosters, john holk, the well wishers, underwater sunshine, michael slawter, the rubs, matthew shacallis,