the+mary+lous — similar artists: sega lugosi, sanity checks, horror punks usa, go fight, riveting music, 5¢ freakshow, evelyn's casket, the nightsicles, gasoline invertebrate, cut brain, the writhers, shadow windhawk and the morticians, the mary lous, a gathering of none, die ghost, gallowmere, sweat boys, we are horror records, dickie devil and the deviants, caustic x grabyourface, seibold the terrible, thedestructprinciple., the renfields, Caustic, evilyn's casket, edgecase development corporation, the causticles, the meltdownz, ratbatspider, armed love militia, the lycotones, batavia, dark ride, glass apple bonzai, klack, hate dept., caustics anonymous, lorelei dreaming, draven valentine, diechotomy, nyxx, the gothsicles, children of october, the long losts, I Ya Toyah, the tomb tones, polyfuse, saint killed her, robby bloodshed, caustic v this morn' omina, the joy thieves, bad whoremoans, everything goes cold, crudmouth, haex, so long until the séance, marc heal,