the new blockaders/vortex campaign/coil — similar artists: the new blockaders/vortex campaign/coil, zos kia, violent onsen geisha, pre.coil, the threshold houseboys choir, peter "sleazy" christopherson of coil, ex.coil, mayuko hino, operation cleansweep, masonna, k2 - k. kusafuka, atrax morgue, Andrew Liles, club skull, peter sleazy christopherson, white static demon, don bradshaw-leather, femeheim, zos kia(pre.coil), this immortal coil, controlled death, steven stapleton, hijokaidan, jumping tiger, アンドリュー ライルズ, milovan srdenovic, aural rage, incapacitants, linekraft, von hoffmannstahl, solomonoff, the new blockaders, c.c.c.c., anenzephalia, himukalt, solmania, deaf lions, capricorni pneumatici, liles, will foster, autoerotichrist, Coil, jesuve, the sexecutioner, breathe heavy, michel faber, rearing of silkworms, remixed by andrew liles, lunus, yellow gas flames, zoviet france, he wields a sword, maniac - liles - czral, tourist gaze, arnold mathes, nurse with wound, soisong,