the+ovens — similar artists: the ovens, tuff enuff records, loud women, for the sake of tapes, sniffany, stickshift recordings, cosmit, cliquey bitches, just blankets, all hits, lime crush, esya, lowest priority, riot spears, tough tits, morbid opera, sister munch, catisfaction, the tissues, mallrat, fight rosa fight!, passionless pointless, actual crimes, dyke drama, cava, secondhand underpants, the nits, würst nürse, miss june, razor cunts, surly grrly, support women in punk, nada038, dark willow, scratch match, young trynas, fistymuffs, all away lou, rose rage, son bou, genderlexx, skunt, snip snap, grubs, c'yotes, scorpio scorpio, dog legs, the whooperups, instant bin, the shna, astral skulls, dotx3, breakup haircut, charla fantasma, xavosa, guttfull, squiggles,