the+past — similar artists: not otherwise specified, seventh dimension, the band royale, dropshard, the third ending, ad maiora, inner prospekt, trailight, napier's bones, rodrigo san martĂn, joe bailey, Seconds Before Landing, sick pose, verbal delirium, spleen arcana, red light sound, analog sunshine, section iv, long earth, hillward, socionic, alizarin, inner odyssey, eden shadow, birzer bandana, history of fail, materialeyes, medule, hangover paradise, highview, circadian pulse, slug comparison, drifting sun, infringement, hemina, amadeus awad, la bocca della veritĂ , echo collider, thoughts factory, fractal mirror, checking for echo project, daymoon, the blurters, engine three seven, vitruvius, melodramus, echoes of giants, driftglass, impact statement, art of illusion, 25 yard screamer, arlekin, atma weapon, rick miller, scalar, walsh st cop killers, battle circus,