the+practitioner — similar artists: omen stones, the practitioner, i am the liquor, steven r. smith/ulaan khol, yuxa, battlemaster, jerky dirt, rocky & the sweden and boris, sorcia, from the ages, book of wyrms, night idea, godhead lizard, suppression with bastard noise, spectral sorrow, fight cloud, aries the legend, prabir trio, elk witch, eureka failure, bailjack, half years, sunyears, navaeh, kristeva, indus valley kings, venomspitter, thunderchief, great rift, seer of the void, sunczar, goatsmoke, druglord, fool magician, around the fire, todd herrington, gazelles!, the grand mal, ultracombo, lorekeeper, tel/age of the wolf, tusoc, deer lord, this might be podcast, pyramid mass, death denied, astral wizard, smoke the light, red eyed cult, second-hand apes, buzzard dust, queen marsa, bearstorm, surfsquatch, mister earthbound, sha-fu, prayer group,