the+real+life+tragedies — similar artists: birchville cat motel, 1/3 octave band, erika elder, kiyoharu kuwayama, monoshock, campbell kneale, our love will destroy the world, 500mg, half high, nz/us, three lobed recordings, matt "mv" valentine, birdcatcher, the real life tragedies, nz/jpn, campbell james kneale, matt valentine, orchestra of constant distress, vibracathedral orchestra, myriad valley, sarin smoke, k-group, pocahaunted, dadamah, ghq, it hurts, metal rouge, glory fckn sun, dire wolves absolutely perfect brothers band, j g wright, tim cornelius, the helix, d. charles speer, prairie dog flesh, heavy winged, youngs, paintings of windows, gunn-truscinski duo, rodrigo amado motion trio, fumio kosakai, hi-asobi, vanishing voice, no neck blues band, OMIT, fox maidens, basalt fingers, bardo pond, black boned angel, stelzer/murray, clay man in the well, the michael flower band, peter kolovos, golden vomit, mirror/dash, pelt, the vanishing voice, hassara,