the+sons+of+hercules — similar artists: the viveiro wave riders, the vee bees, chris masuak, lipstick killers, the mesmerisers, 1313 mockingbird lane, mx-80 sound, the sound reasons, lovesores, greg 'stackhouse' prevost, the conspirators, psychotic turnbuckles, the paybacks, the mortmen, jupiter 5, leather catsuit, spencer p jones, i-94 bar records, the real jerks, chris klondike masuak, the shoutless, the richmond sluts, mick medew, divine horsemen, marc valentine, the chesterfield kings, shutdown 66, dome la muerte, the crazy squeeze, the juke savages, the electric shields, killer kane band, andalusia rose, idol lips, hitmen d.t.k., areola 51, dragontears, the meatbeaters, nixon now, the sons of hercules, the crimson shadows, the strollers, cynics, detroit cobras, the dark clouds, the diggers, the velociraptors, new york dolls, naked prey, chris richards and the subtractions, the on and ons, la vila nova recordings, marshmallow overcoat, deniz tek, asteroid b612, the shanghais, little green fairy,