the+templars+of+doom — similar artists: sissy space echo & the invisible collaborators, mickey rickshaw, girl one and the grease guns, soul invictus, the devil's daughters w/ danny b harvey, the dreadnoughts, the templars of doom, ursular, witching altar, signals, wires & amplifiers, the blanche hudson weekend, derina harvey band, tamikrest, acid blood, the edible eyes, sad day for puppets, vanik's sounds of samhain, spiritus mortis, the manhattan love suicides, sinister realm, bone rave, the medusa snare, pop threat, violent city, the invisible collaborators, sissy space echo, damon wild and tim taylor, astral magic, sulfurex, c4service, degrees of truth, planet of drums, pump panel, kätyrlauma, dj one finger, mistful, sista brytet, oi!ronie!, concrete bastards, the pump panel, nuts & vaults, heimsgard, kari rueslåtten, bifter, kjell peders, fatum eifel, the black marbles, george korea, grim justice, stone magnum, crimson altar, stone of duna, typhuzz, varang nord, slave keeper, psychotic outsider, ben tisdall,