the+yes-men — similar artists: digger and the pussycats, the vee bees, rot tv, the stripp, onségen ensemble, rickshaw (pre chuck norris experiment), sonic beat explosion, the australia beefweek show, the dark clouds, the celibate rifles, white heaven, hard action, sprëadeagle, chimers, the prize, the soul motivators, kellie lloyd, disemballerina, soulside, suicide country hour, chuck norris experiment, spencer p jones, david ramirez, upploppet, deviltrain, cnt evn, the meatbeaters, nathan seeckts, spj, wreckless enterprise, motherfuckin' motherfuckers, scumbag millionaire, jupiter 5, the jerry spider gang, the drippers, helge lien trio, mr. teenage, buddy miller, flash house, starling electric, brat farrar, iron lizards, the boatsmen, phil & the tiles, grande royale, seraleez, BATZ, rokets, sophistafunk, the madmen, deathtraps, dreadnaught (aust), the viveiro wave riders, knife for an eye, moody beaches, sick fizz, the onyas,