thelordpain — similar artists: tortvred realm, për martel, vorstreus, vervamon, norinian, otajstvo strija, vampyrean tomb, febris manea, hastio, rutnukt, predictor, lord orots, crépuscule d'hiver, skrymir, burier, nazrak, vangar, atrate, spectral manse, gramarye, automb, grógaldr, trauer, alghol, horna/behexen, saguzar, goddamn gringos, clocktower of hiraeth, requiem of death, autumn's rapture, thelordpain, the gloomy radiance of the moon, seregost, toadlickers, knekelput, revelation none, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, marabbecca, baltum, night spires, phosphorus, nostalgic darkness, kalameet, enbarr, like desolate like true, panzerwar, damghar, girtablullû, arazubak, xantam, durthang, amafufunyana, the astral serpent, pagan moon, arcana liturgia, hellmoon, sale freux,