thief's hand — similar artists: facewreck, law of power, seed of pain, laid 2 rest, simulakra, ends of sanity, bracewar, vicious embrace, reserving dirtnaps, witness chamber, typecaste, berthold city, vow of hatred, torena, point of contact, trail of lies, glass killing floor, never ending game, antagonize, enemy mind, plead your case records, incited, mouth for war, drawing last breath, section h8, divided life, gridiron, method of doubt, dominant force, cutting through, raw brigade, eyes of the lord, ekulu, outta pocket, ecostrike, solemn promise, redemption denied, thief's hand, cold as life, no witnesses, three knee deep, street soldier, pain of truth, final rage, lowered a.d., revenge season, bayway, the eulogy, all due respect, hurtpiece, world of pain, back to life, .38snub, hands of god, carried by six, buried dreams, blow your brains out,