tilts — similar artists: tilts, dead now, conan neutron & the secret friends, the discussion, shallow north dakota, gorgantherron, museum of light, wounded giant, red hare, chrome peeler records, christ on parade, miltown, sonic mass, house of lightning, heatmiser, blood feast, green asylum, eye flys, monsternaut, legendary divorce, wormhog, they speaking canaries, open city, crowhurst, black cobra, wraths, void droid, horehound, moon destroys, EASY ACTION, palace in thunderland, cavem3n, calm collapse, shellfin, young widows, lethal means, sebadoh, ritual fog, sahara surfers, foxhall stacks, death by a thousand cuts, jerky dirt, violence of the sun, lizard queen, cult of sorrow, allen epley, stone cadaver, day old man, young hunter, dropsonic, sky valley mistress, dryasdust, mexicoma, spotlights, hyne, spirit division, godhead lizard,