total+betty — similar artists: rae spoon, eel valley, tankini, total betty, rae spoon with jesus and his judgemental father, agassiz, Karp, jesus fucking christ, catherine leduc, kinky, black canary, sorrows nyxhc, mimi zima, margy pepper, belinda, les marmottes aplaties, pookie & the poodlez, plastik, enfants sauvages, corey gulkin (previously corinna rose), the softies, joe lally, dog legs, SpoonBoy, q and not u, doxx, pinksnail, achigan, shameover, snip snap, directory of american menu hotlines, the ovens, casual leg, heal xo, dauðyflin, the boy who could fly, deep lust, homo monstrous, snake pool, murderess, bb cream, hard femme, star fucking hipsters, blurry eyes, kck1, grey bath, dyke drama, mix tapes for no one, black fork, giant sons, slightly less than nothing, poxy, whorehouse of representatives, sod hauler, real love winnipeg, negative press, kinky nature femme,