trans+future — similar artists: fantasy suite, fuuls, anything bagel, joseph running crane, hermina jean, mermaid book club, trans future, the best westerns, ash nataanii, tormi, john calvin abney, joe benoit, caroline keys, new old future, soft maybe, bombshell nightlight, his spare parts, John Brownell, the bon mots, wilma laverne miner, protest kids, rob travolta, worst feelings, cory fay, the middle initials, i give up, oh yeah, the future, bull market, innkeepers, tiny iota, tiny plastic stars, skin flowers, mass fm, bluest, bondurant, the dirtpops, queen mab, zenitram, jr., jackson emmer, jacob chadwell, bryan mcpherson, get set go, calamity cowboy, goblin demos, desperate electric, sway wild, great grey, the skurfs, wrinkles, say it with a bullet, bloodkin, maiah wynne, the builders and the butchers, the bandit queen of sorrows, wailing aaron jennings, goddammitboyhowdy, lazertüth/modality,