van+diemen — similar artists: van diemen, horrisonous, earth rot, myridian, imminent psychosis, hadal maw, dyssidia, hell machine, hidden intent, mountain wizard death cult, promethean misery, aeons abyss, impact statement, arbrynth, straight to a tomb, the maledict, diabolic rites, shepherds reign, creep diets, woewarden, vile apparition, ghost smoker, burial chamber, the blurters, altar defecation, crypt crawler, blackhelm, thraxas!, walsh st cop killers, küntsquäd, sick pose, the fuck outs, violent abuse, dusk cult, sundr, mindcrack, the harvest trail, electro surgery//noise unit, bunyip, burial vault, idle ruin, dole bludga, grim ripper, fall and resist, artanor, black trillium, kids of skids, coffin fly, battlegrave, terrorential, play ground of hate, beleth, hate is enough, sundr/redsheer, serpentspire, stellar remains, fôrakt,