vetur — similar artists: ancestors blood, murw, gestalte, heimdalls wacht, grisatre, heervader, annwfyn, vetur, hekel, zwartplaag, hanormale, d'un autre temps, zakaz, nyrst, foothill roots, melankoli, vinterkult, mondvolland, kvalvaag, anamnesi, stille volk, cwealm, værbitt, ildra, kjeld, svadilfare, novembers doom, schattenvald, helfró, harkane, uuntar, hovmod, the bishop of hexen, meslamtaea, enthroning silence, gravsatt, striges, sjálfsmorð af gáleysi, welter in thy blood, lotus circle, irrwisch, lebensnacht, acrosome, orewoet, waal, circle of ouroborus, trübe, cold body radiation, andvaka, svarthymn, black draugwath, inexistenz, nifrost, woeful silence, thy sepulchral moon, svartghast, afvallige,