walter+martin — similar artists: walter martin, hamilton leithauser, paul maroon, jonathan fire*eater, don't stop now: a collection of covers, will sheff, h.c. mcentire, sister squares, peter matthew bauer, The Walkmen, peter and the wolf, royal headache, mike polizze, julianna riolino, varianza, elva, the impossible truth, country westerns, painted shrines, finnoguns wake, minibosses, william tyler, ben folds, Justin Townes Earle, redding hunter, futurangelics, hutch harris, The Tallest Man On Earth, Cotton Jones, anna & elizabeth, good f*ck, brogan bentley, yialmelic frequencies, dean johnson, annika norlin, Fountains of Wayne, trace mountains, YUK, snail mail, joakim sandström, the just joans, the moore family band, colloboh, asa tone, herman dune, aqueduct, ras_g & the afrikan space program, devonwho, sunpath, zeroh, leaving records, celia hollander, matt sharp, chris staples, kreuzberg museum, Matthewdavid, daniel brummel,