watch+my+dying — similar artists: dope stars inc., Ghost Toast, hibernal, STRAPLOCKED, watch my dying, Check the Distortion, Retröxx, onségen ensemble, aebsence, red scalp, hungarian synthwave allstars, runeshard, lazarvs, hacking the wave, starsystems, mechanical poet, isten háta mögött, dreamgrave, the waiting ones, mörbid carnage, frost (hungary), strong product, gire, Garmarna, deley, Don Gatto, nest of plagues, agregator, türböwitch, angerseed, death nöize, slowmesh, táltos, deprived of salvation, krampüs, how the world became the bomb, advection stride, paragon zero, d \ s c o r d, fanatic attack, halálfej együttes, corpsetaker, mandi mae, zord, varso, rigorist, mark r. healy, mutilation case, maeotis, Neon City Murder, mechpoet, The Neon Droid, Timestalker, toportyán férgek, Thunder Porpoise, fren, BILLY MAYS BAND,