weathervane+music — similar artists: holly mae henry, let's buy happiness, minipop, snow mantled love, anna scouten, flannel graph, lydia cole, merival, raven shields, Asobi Seksu, maya june, avocet, laura burhenn, elder sister plum, sally fowler, noa isabella (fka izy coffey, kendy gable, jessica mindrum, death parade, laura elizabeth hughes, new myths, dark furs, far beyond frail, hey anna, well sister, cat martino, lanę, secret mountains, the ropes, shady elders, hailey wojcik, Littlebluewolf, kesang marstrand, forest city lovers, emilyn brodsky, amy schmidt, jess chambers, weathervane music, victoria noll, friends of alice ivy, sam lynch, a million creatures, brinleigh, lovely quinces, Rebecca Roubion, fridolijn, haily taylor, cristina black, melody pool, wet wings, Laura James, shenandoah and the night, ourselves the elves, pam shaffer, kristin allen-zito, gianna lauren, anna gordon,