young+blades â similar artists: arrĂȘt, personal damage, hounds of war, vivisected numbskulls, skullnbone, pils records / pandemix records, parasytes, dethfox, sexface, slow death records, thatcher's snatch, faucheuse, todd killings, the contracts, nervous ss, the diskonected, blood ties, snĂ€ggletooth, gurs, balm squad, jag out!, zygome, dislies, ultrarat - ratcage, rataa, niños rata, invertebrates, toxic rites, petite, mock execution, durs coeurs, mĂ©fait, lebenden toten, squander, ciggie tarbox, destructive split organized chaos, ultrarat, self-inflict, kinetic orbital strike, toxic state records, tension span, warkrusher, crucified class, suspex, the dissidents, punter, in-valid, napalm raid, cpu rave, bad anxiety, apĂ€rĂ€, mode alarme split with solitĂŒde, young blades, blazing eye, deadbolt hc, socio la difekta, Cuir,