bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

09/2016 Blood from the Lion's Mouth ★★★★☆barishi
metal death metal progressive metal stoner metal sludge metal similar

similar albums

06/2021 Nightmare Withdrawals link #2 link #3 link #4 ★★★★★blindfolded and led to the woods
metal hardcore avant-garde death metal grindcore heavy metal NYP similar
04/2020 Old Smoke ★★★★★barishi
metal death metal progressive metal stoner metal sludge metal similar
07/2022 Whiteout ★★★★☆antigama
metal grindcore grind similar
09/2019 The Greatest Burden link #2 ★★★★ghosts of glaciers
metal instrumental post-rock doom post-metal atmospheric metal similar
05/2023 REJECTING OBLITERATION ★★★★★blindfolded and led to the woods
metal avant-garde death metal technical death metal progressive death metal similar
04/2020 Colony Collapse ★★★★★wvrm
metal hardcore death metal grindcore sludge powerviolence similar
08/2020 Alter Ego ★★★★☆nug
metal progressive metal post-metal similar
05/2023 Pallid Veil short ★★★★★pallid veil
metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore heavy metal doom doom metal thrash metal progressive metal NYP similar
07/2021 The Divine Deception khabal
ambient metal death metal progressive metal deathcore djent similar
11/2021 Finite ★★★★teeth
metal death metal brutal death metal dissonant similar
07/2022 Thought Form Descent ★★★★★wake
metal hardcore grindcore doom powerviolence deathgrind similar
03/2021 The Path of Wrath ★★★★★wolf king
metal hardcore blackened hardcore similar
11/2015 Eyes Alive ★★★★turbid north
metal death metal doom doom metal stoner metal similar
12/2021 A Universal Plague: Mutation ★★★★☆abiotic
metal death metal progressive metal similar
11/2019 The Curse of Entropy link #2 ★★★★★teeth
metal death metal grindcore doom sludge grind similar
08/2023 Ontological Mysterium link #2 ★★★★★horrendous
metal black metal death metal heavy metal doom doom metal similar
09/2023 Almost Human link #2 ★★★★★wormhole
metal brutal death metal slam technical death metal similar
02/2024 Moon Healer ★★★★★job for a cowboy
metal death metal similar
04/2023 Shambhallic Vibrations ★★★★★lunar chamber
metal black metal death metal heavy metal doom metal tech death similar
07/2023 Mechanical Fiction ★★★★★the gorge
metal heavy metal metalcore progressive metal technical metal NYP similar
09/2022 Spectrum Xenomorph link #2 ★★★★labyrinth of stars
metal black metal death metal tech death NYP similar
09/2007 Nocturnal ★★★★★the black dahlia murder
metal melodic death metal similar
07/2020 Excerpts From a Dread Liturgy link #2 ★★★★★drouth
metal black metal death metal grind melodic death metal portland or similar
01/2021 Gateways to the Necroverse ★★★★celestial swarm
metal black metal death metal extreme metal slam blackened death metal similar
10/2015 Peripety ★★★★★kardashev
metal progressive metal post-metal deathcore atmospheric metal similar
11/2023 Last Day of Sun ★★★★☆fuming mouth
metal death metal similar
03/2023 Sage of Shekhinah ★★★★☆contrarian
metal death metal progressive metal melodic death metal technical death metal progressive death metal similar
11/2018 Under The Regolith link #2 ★★★★☆antiverse
metal death metal thrash metal death thrash black thrash similar
12/2022 The Ailing Facade link #2 ★★★★★aeviterne
metal death metal NYP similar
08/2021 Monolith of Corrosion ★★★★★nightmarer
metal black metal industrial metal extreme metal technical metal dissonant NYP similar