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03/2013 You're Not Quite Ready ★★★★☆brave bird
punk indie emo math NYP similar

similar albums

05/2014 T-Minus Grand Gesture link #2 ★★★★★brave bird
punk indie emo math NYP similar
08/2013 September 1968 ★★★☆running shoes
punk emo pop punk midwest twinkly NYP similar
08/2012 Small Changes We Hardly Notice link #2 ★★★★youth pictures of florence henderson
rock indie post-rock emo NYP similar
02/2014 Prawn / Joie De Vire - Split short ★★★☆prawn
punk indie post-rock emo similar
01/2013 The Steve French EP short ★★★☆olde pine
rock indie post-punk emo skramz midwest emo NYP similar
10/2014 s/t older notes.
rock alternative ambient indie post-rock emo NYP similar
02/2014 Prawn - 4 Way Split short ★★★☆prawn
punk indie post-rock emo similar
10/2011 Weekdays ★★★★☆park jefferson
punk indie emo sad 90s awesome similar
07/2013 Low Health link #2 ★★★☆the reptilian
punk indie post-punk post-hardcore screamo NYP similar
07/2013 It's Just Going To Get Worse link #2 link #3 ★★★★★dowsing
pop punk indie emo diy midwest NYP similar
08/2013 A Lot of Bad Things Happened, But We're Still Here ★★☆two knights
rock alternative punk indie indie rock hardcore emo post-hardcore screamo skramz NYP similar
04/2014 Every Letter and Souvenir link #2 ★★★warren franklin the founding fathers
rock indie acoustic emo midwest NYP similar
07/2012 State Lines ★★★state lines
pop punk long island similar
11/2011 You Can Just Leave It All link #2 ★★★★★prawn
punk indie indie rock post-rock emo post-hardcore similar
02/2012 Baseball Season link #2 ★★★☆kite party
alternative similar
01/2012 We Still Don't Know short nicknames
punk emo twinkly NYP similar
06/2011 Your Heart Belongs to the Midwest ★★☆warren franklin
rock alternative punk indie indie rock emo pop punk post-hardcore screamo midwest emo NYP similar
07/2013 Neither Here Nor Thayer link #2 link #3 ★★★american thunder band
rock punk post-hardcore emotional hardcore NYP similar
05/2014 Annabel/Dowsing Split short ★★★☆annabel dowsing
indie lo-fi indie rock indie pop alternative rock emo NYP similar
08/2012 Bedhead ★★★runaway brother
rock alternative pop indie emo similar
06/2010 Seasons In Verse link #2 ★★★☆my heart to joy
pop indie indie rock post-punk emo post-hardcore similar
02/2011 Self Titled 7" short ★★★☆cstvt
rock alternative punk indie indie rock hardcore post-rock emo pop punk post-hardcore similar
06/2013 June Highs ★★★☆toasted plastic
rock pop punk diy math rock math pop NYP similar
09/2010 Split EP ★★★into it. over it.
rock indie indie rock singer-songwriter emo low-fi similar
05/2015 Hell In My Head / Mind Honey short ★★★☆senpai
rock punk indie noise pop guitar pop NYP similar
06/2015 What Gives? ★★★gulfer
rock similar
10/2011 Reservoir ★★★★olde pine
rock indie post-punk emo skramz midwest emo NYP similar
02/2011 Things Would Change if You Heard This ★★★you'll live
punk post-punk emo post-hardcore screamo midwest emo NYP similar
09/2013 Lost. Forgotten. Abandoned. Buried. ★★☆you'll live
punk post-punk emo post-hardcore screamo midwest emo NYP similar
09/2012 Ships ★★★★prawn
punk indie post-rock emo similar