bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

06/2018 Bolt from the Blue link #2 ★★★warped
rock alternative punk indie rock indie pop alternative rock similar

similar albums

01/2019 Tuff Cuff Records Vertigo/Wurzel Gummidge short warped
rock alternative punk alternative rock similar
02/2020 The Future Looks Clear - Vinyl Record ★★fuck the fitzroy doom scene
rock alternative rock psychedelic rock stoner rock prog rock heavy rock similar
01/2022 Raised by Goats / Match Fit warped
rock alternative punk alternative rock similar
10/2020 Edge on the World howlin' threads
rock hard rock surf rock similar
06/2023 Devils Hand short rockafella
rock rock & roll NYP similar
01/2022 Galactaphonic ★★★tumbleweed
alternative acid stoner rock garage punk psychedelic pop similar
11/2021 Broken Man track — meatbeaters
rock hard rock similar
12/2021 Electric Purrs EP short ★☆electric purrs
rock punk rock rock & roll garage rock garage punk similar
05/2018 Can I Drive Your Commodore? ★★★★☆grindhouse
rock punk punk rock garage dirty similar
04/2016 CRAZY PUSSY link #2 ★★★★☆grindhouse
rock alternative indie rock indie pop punk rock garage similar
12/2021 Mustard the dawdlers
punk alternative rock punk rock rock & roll garage rock garage punk similar
11/2019 25 Live - Live At The Hi-Fi ★★★☆the meanies
punk australian similar
05/2014 Sleeping At The Peeps ★★★★grindhouse
rock garage dirty similar
12/2023 Miserable short ★★★★☆hard-ons
rock punk punk rock similar
05/2018 Roman Beach Party ★★★the celibate rifles
rock punk rock rock & roll garage psychedelic rock surf [CC BY-ND] similar
06/2021 X-Aspirations Clear Vinyl -SOLD OUT x
alternative psychedelic punk rock acoustic guitar independent bluesy similar
04/2016 Get Shitfaced With The Onyas ★★☆the onyas
rock rock & roll garage rock garage punk similar
12/2022 Yummy ★★★★the hard-ons
rock punk similar
11/2020 Shadowland short ★★★tumbleweed
alternative acid stoner rock garage punk psychedelic pop similar
08/2020 VVARP - First Levitations vvarp
metal doom doom metal sludge sludge metal stoner doom similar
03/2023 Killer Weed ★★★☆tumbleweed
alternative acid stoner rock garage punk psychedelic pop similar
03/2021 Blowers ★★★☆blowers
rock punk punk rock garage rock garage punk similar
02/2019 The Breadmakers - Thee Cha Cha Chas Split Tour 2019 EP short the breadmakers
blues similar
11/2020 Twisted plastic section
rock rock & roll garage rock rockabilly similar
08/2017 Seizure Salad ★★☆juliette seizure & the tremor-dolls
pop punk garage pop punk power pop garage punk similar
04/2024 Nunchukka Superfly 95 ★★★☆nunchukka superfly
punk punk rock similar
10/2010 Gates of Steel (HITS) Cover of the DEVO classic. Originally a split single with DIMI DERO (France) short ★★☆hits
rock indie rock punk rock garage rock NYP similar
01/2022 Sounds From The Other Side ★★tumbleweed
alternative acid stoner rock garage punk psychedelic pop similar
07/2020 Desperate Measures ★★★★☆the meanies
rock punk punk rock garage garage punk similar
08/2022 Needles and Pins (sic) short ★★★☆the hard-ons
punk similar