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04/2020 Music To Stay Home To ★☆various artists
electronic experimental ambient hip hop noise jazz NYP similar

similar albums

05/2020 Ikea Youth / Grinding Halt link #2 short ★★★☆qlowski
experimental ambient punk noise industrial post-punk similar
10/2020 Yellow Sticker Hour ★★★★mush
alternative noise post-punk shoegaze garage NYP similar
10/2023 Girlcow / Sweaty Dog short ★☆duvet
alternative post-punk new wave similar
06/2021 Shift In State ★★★☆girls in synthesis
punk post-punk punk rock experimental rock noise punk experimental punk similar
05/2020 SCIENCE FICTION ★★☆thee mvps
alternative punk hardcore hard rock heavy metal grunge similar
08/2020 Now Here's An Echo From Your Future ★★★★☆girls in synthesis
punk post-punk punk rock experimental rock noise punk experimental punk similar
02/2022 Nude With Demon ★★★★★the web of lies
experimental psychedelic rock garage rock similar
02/2023 BSA Day / Better Luck Next Time short ★★★★objections
alternative similar
10/2021 Anorak Patch - Delilah short ★★★☆anorak patch
rock alternative pop punk indie indie rock indie pop post-punk shoegaze dream pop similar
04/2016 Gas & Air tvam
rock alternative psychedelic garage psych fuzz similar
02/2020 GNOD/ZOHASTRE split short ★★★☆zamzamrec
electronic experimental industrial bass weird dream similar
10/2019 Neil Yonge & Bob Doylan Live At Hyde Park EP shake chain
pop homemade similar
04/2024 Optimistic Sizing ★★★★objections
alternative post-punk similar
02/2022 Holodrum ★★★★☆holodrum
electronic post-punk disco similar
07/2021 EP ★☆coded marking
electronic punk post-punk krautrock synthpunk similar
02/2022 INNIT ★★★☆scudfm
alternative similar
07/2019 Piano Prayer ★★☆mark wagner
experimental ambient noise drone piano new age similar
08/2018 Eccentric Women in Oswestry / The Handshake Exchange (INV033) link #2 ★☆snrrm varm chips for the poor
electronic experimental punk lo-fi psychedelic diy similar
06/2022 Konsumrausch link #2 ★★★☆girls in synthesis
rock punk post-punk punk rock experimental rock noise punk similar
11/2020 The Effect of Tomorrow short ★★★★roxy girls
alternative punk post-punk art punk similar
02/2020 Not as Bad as It Seems link #2 ★★★★soft walls
alternative punk lo-fi indie rock post-punk punk rock NYP similar
11/2022 A Cretian Build-Up (2022) ★★★★the rebel
alternative lo-fi post-punk art rock garage punk outsider similar
03/2020 These People ★★★★talk show
punk indie rock indie pop post-punk new wave goth similar
03/2017 Taos Humm - Flute Of The Noodle ★★taos humm
experimental rock alternative punk folk psychedelic post-punk garage psychedelic rock psych similar
07/2015 There's No Gold Anywhere silver dick
devotional free improvisation improvised music weirdo similar
02/2023 Angel's Piss ★★★☆big break
punk garage rock similar
05/2015 SHAKE A FIST COMPILATION - VOL 2 various artists
rock alternative punk psychedelic alternative rock punk rock similar
06/2021 Quale Futuro? link #2 link #3 ★★★★★qlowski
experimental ambient punk noise industrial post-punk similar
10/2022 The Rest Is Distraction ★★★★girls in synthesis
punk post-punk punk rock experimental rock noise punk experimental punk similar
06/2019 County Lines ★★the pheromoans
experimental indie post-punk similar