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02/2010 Unnamed ★★★★☆fuck the facts
experimental punk metal death metal grindcore grind similar

similar albums

11/2020 Pleine Noirceur link #2 ★★★★★fuck the facts
experimental ambient punk metal noise hardcore similar
11/2000 38 Counts of Battery ★★★☆pig destroyer
metal death metal grindcore doom grind deathgrind similar
10/1999 The Poacher Diaries ★★★agoraphobic nosebleed converge
metal death metal grindcore powerviolence grind deathgrind similar
10/2014 Endless Nothing link #2 ★★★★☆torch runner
punk metal hardcore grindcore hardcore punk crust similar
04/2020 Complete Discography link #2 ★★★★★closet witch
metal grindcore powerviolence screamo grind mathcore NYP similar
08/2022 Burn The Homes Of Those Who Seek To Control Our Bodies EP ★★★★★body void
metal noise doom power electronics sludge crust similar
03/2013 Dragged Down A Dead End Path (Deluxe Edition) ★★★☆call of the void
punk metal powerviolence grind sludge metal crust punk similar
07/2004 The World Will Fall Soon... antigama
metal grindcore grind crust punk similar
11/2017 Ascending a Mountain of Heavy Light link #2 link #3 ★★★★★the body full of hell
metal noise hardcore death metal grindcore devotional similar
08/2019 Suffering is a Gift short ★★★★★portrayal of guilt
punk metal hardcore black metal grunge screamo similar
07/2005 Legacy Of Hopelessness ★★★☆fuck the facts
electronic experimental punk metal death metal grindcore similar
08/2006 Stigmata High-Five ★★★☆fuck the facts
experimental punk metal death metal grindcore grind similar
04/2023 Siege of Self ★★★★★bandit
metal death metal grindcore similar
08/2015 Desire Will Rot link #2 ★★★★★fuck the facts
experimental punk metal noise hardcore death metal similar
05/2014 The Liar's Psalm track ★★★eyehategod
metal hardcore rock & roll hardcore punk doom sludge metal similar
02/2014 Accidents Grotesque link #2 ★★★★☆great falls
metal noise hardcore doom post-hardcore noise rock NYP similar
04/2023 Brothers in Christ ★★★★★chat pile nerver
metal hardcore industrial death metal noise rock sludge similar
06/2020 Blessings Of The Highest Order ★★★★★thou
punk metal indie similar
09/2017 Can You Hear The Wind Howl short ★★★★☆wvrm
metal hardcore death metal grindcore doom sludge similar
06/2015 S//T short ★★★☆wvrm
metal hardcore death metal grindcore doom doom metal NYP similar
11/2013 Disgorge Mexico link #2 ★★★★fuck the facts
experimental punk metal death metal grindcore progressive metal similar
12/2012 Container Ships ★★★★★kowloon walled city
metal post-hardcore noise rock sludge sludge metal NYP similar
10/2014 Mass & Volume link #2 ★★★★★pig destroyer
rock metal death metal grindcore doom doom metal similar
04/2022 I (remastered) ★★★☆hell
metal black metal sludgecore NYP similar
01/2022 Productive Disruption ★★★★★deaf club
punk grindcore hardcore punk powerviolence similar
02/2024 SHAME ★★★★★meth.
metal noise black metal post-hardcore noise rock noisecore similar
12/2005 Demonstration short ★★maruta
punk metal death metal grindcore grind NYP similar
10/2014 Abandoned link #2 ★★★★★fuck the facts
experimental punk metal noise hardcore death metal similar
06/2017 Lightless ★★★☆apes
metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore dark similar