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06/2017 Hoarding (compilation) ★★★great falls
metal hardcore post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar

similar albums

11/2015 The Fever Shed link #2 ★★★★☆great falls
metal hardcore black metal post-rock post-hardcore noise rock NYP similar
02/2023 Funny What Survives link #2 short ★★★★☆great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock sludge mathcore chaotic hardcore NYP similar
02/2019 Great Falls/Heiress Split short ★☆great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
05/2010 Great Falls & Pastor Tonal great falls
metal noise post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
02/2014 Accidents Grotesque link #2 ★★★★☆great falls
metal noise hardcore doom post-hardcore noise rock NYP similar
07/2011 Fontanelle ★★great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
04/2023 Wrong Dream ★★★★☆tunic
punk post-punk noise rock noise punk similar
06/2013 Hex Records 10 Year comp. hex records
alternative punk metal indie hardcore punk rock similar
10/2011 A Death Cinematic/Great Falls Split great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
02/2019 ALTER EGO link #2 link #3 ★★★no vale nada
punk metal hardcore post-hardcore crust other NYP similar
07/2022 The Worst Has Finally Happened ★★★★haunted horses
rock punk noise industrial similar
10/2013 Retrash ★★★☆oozing wound
metal grunge thrash metal heavy rock thrash punk similar
07/2011 Untitled Demo great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
10/2021 Quitter ★★★★★tunic
punk post-punk noise rock noise punk similar
09/2020 Genetic track ★★★★☆human impact
rock metal hard rock noise rock similar
01/2019 GREAT SABATINI/ GREAT FALLS split LP ★★★☆great sabatini/ great falls
alternative punk metal indie hardcore noise rock similar
02/2022 Your Neighbors Are Failures ★★★☆bitter branches
rock hardcore post-punk grunge dischord similar
10/2017 document #5 link #2 ★★★★☆pageninetynine
punk metal hardcore hardcore punk screamo richmond va similar
05/2020 Acid / Slow Decay short ★★★★★metz
rock alternative punk noise post-punk punk rock similar
12/2022 COLONIAL WOUND, "Easy Laugh" ★★★★★colonial wound
alternative punk indie hardcore noise rock metallic hardcore similar
01/2015 Visqueen link #2 ★★★★☆unsane
rock metal hard rock post-hardcore noise rock alternative metal similar
11/2002 Shake Harder Boy ★★★☆harkonen
rock hardcore hard rock post-hardcore noise rock metalcore similar
09/2022 Dark Days link #2 sinking suns
rock post-punk noise rock experimental rock similar
10/2014 Earth Suck ★★★☆oozing wound
metal grunge thrash metal heavy rock thrash punk similar
06/2017 Ossature ★★great falls
metal post-hardcore noise rock mathcore sludgecore NYP similar
02/2013 PLAYING ENEMY, "My Life As the Villain" ★☆playing enemy
alternative punk indie hardcore hardcore punk noise rock similar
03/2024 Thoughts & Prayers ★★★★cnts
punk punk rock hard rock hardcore punk thrash similar
09/2006 Settle Down City ★★★☆young widows
rock similar
08/2007 Black Madonna ★★★★the austerity program
rock punk indie rock punk rock hard rock doom NYP similar
09/1994 Willpower ★★★★today is the day
metal noise hardcore black metal grindcore heavy metal similar