bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

04/2016 Maps ★★☆lower automation
alternative punk post-hardcore noise rock mathcore math NYP similar

similar albums

07/2018 Shoebox Companion ★★☆lower automation
alternative punk post-hardcore noise rock mathcore experimental punk NYP similar
06/2019 These Didn't Fit short ★☆lower automation
alternative punk noise noise rock experimental rock mathcore NYP similar
08/2022 When The Drugs That Made You Sick Are The Drugs That Make You Better ★★★☆crippling alcoholism
rock noise rock goth similar
03/2020 Last Day of Sun ★★★terror cell
metal post-rock noise rock metalcore post-metal sludge metal NYP similar
04/2019 respite_apology short ★★★☆thin
metal death metal grindcore groove grind mathcore NYP similar
10/2017 Wolf Who Cried Boy link #2 ★★★☆horse torso
experimental rock metal noise rock metalcore free jazz similar
03/2018 Hello Kittie's Spank ★★★★leftyfish
experimental rock punk metal jazz hardcore similar
09/2017 Meat vs Ginger [single 2017] track ★★leftyfish
experimental punk metal noise jazz grindcore NYP similar
10/2019 The Raw Congenital Complex ★★★willzyx
alternative metal grindcore noise rock math rock grind NYP similar
12/2020 Mikropianist link #2 ★★★☆horse torso
electronic rock punk metal drone dark ambient similar
03/2023 Shooting Tsars ★★★☆basil's kite
metal hardcore progressive progressive rock post-hardcore metalcore similar
12/2015 You, Fish! [EP] short ★★★☆leftyfish
experimental punk metal grindcore similar
02/2013 ACHILLES, "The Dark Horse" ★★achilles
alternative punk indie hardcore post-hardcore noise rock similar
10/2013 FEARS ★★★☆pretty mouth
metal indie grindcore hardcore punk noise rock noisecore NYP similar
04/2007 Casualties Of War ★★journal
metal metalcore progressive metal mathcore war of similar
02/2021 Breakfast Time (Remastered) knife the glitter
metal instrumental hardcore progressive metal grind mathcore NYP similar
04/2020 dawn ★★★★★thin
metal grindcore groove grind mathcore spazz NYP similar
02/2023 Dusk ★★★☆thin
metal hardcore grindcore groove grind mathcore similar
09/2021 i don't feel anything ★★★★☆willzyx
metal noise rock math rock grind no wave mathcore NYP similar
09/2021 4-Way Split short ★★★☆thin
metal grindcore groove grind deathgrind mathcore similar
12/2018 Thrum ★★★☆fawn limbs
experimental metal noise avant-garde grindcore raw NYP similar
06/2021 Under Light: Split w/ Virgin Mother & Heel Turn short infinity land
punk hardcore noise rock sludge NYP similar
07/2022 Architects of Light ★★★the wind in the trees
metal hardcore grindcore grind mathcore similar
12/2019 Their Holes Aroused by the Splinters Carved From Their Teeth link #2 short ★★★★★fawn limbs
metal noise avant-garde death metal grindcore noisecore similar
07/2022 The God Awful Truth / Under The Pier split short ★★★☆dark trail records
metal hardcore post-hardcore metalcore progressive metal deathcore similar
07/2019 The Den ★★★☆freighter
metal progressive metal thrash djent mathcore technical metal similar
12/2016 Smoked ★★★☆ed gein
alternative punk indie hardcore noise rock metallic hardcore similar
08/2020 Death by Dying Instrumental Version needle play
rock metal jazz hardcore death metal math rock similar
01/2020 Sleeping Dogs link #2 ★★★☆dead hour noise
punk metal hardcore grindcore hardcore punk sludge NYP similar
10/2019 Lara Flynn Boyle ★★yellfire
rock punk metal hardcore post-punk hard rock NYP similar