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03/2010 'Sands Of Time' - Early Demos & Rarities ★★★☆mithras
metal dark ambient death metal similar

similar albums

09/2011 Time Never Lasts ★★★☆mithras
metal dark ambient death metal similar
03/2002 Forever Advancing...... Legions ★★★★mithras
metal dark ambient death metal extreme metal similar
02/2012 Sleepers In The Rift link #2 ★★★★☆morbus chron
metal death metal old school death swedish underground metal NYP similar
06/2012 The Abrogation link #2 ★★★★chaos inception
metal black metal death metal black death metal technical similar
06/2012 Trenches Of The Netherworld usurpress
metal swedish death metal similar
07/2018 Eschatological Horrors link #2 ★★☆cromlech
metal death metal similar
02/2015 Denouncing the Holy Throne link #2 ★★★★★heaving earth
metal black metal death metal technical death metal black death metal similar
04/2011 Fidelium ★★★★sarpanitum
metal black metal death metal atmospheric black metal brutal death metal similar
09/2003 Worlds Beyond The Veil ★★★★mithras
metal dark ambient death metal extreme metal similar
02/2007 Despoilment of Origin ★★★☆sarpanitum
metal black metal death metal atmospheric black metal brutal death metal similar
11/2015 Trinity II short ★★★★☆pneuma hagion
metal black metal death metal doom doom metal death similar
10/2016 On Strange Loops link #2 ★★★★★mithras
metal dark ambient death metal progressive technical death metal similar
06/2011 Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes ★★★★gigan
experimental metal death metal technical death metal similar
05/2016 The Plague Doctors ★★★☆horrisonous
metal death metal similar
04/2018 The Plague Doctors B-sides ★★horrisonous
metal death metal death doom NYP similar
08/2010 Realm of Evoked Doom ★★★★★grave miasma
metal black metal death metal old school death metal black death metal similar
08/2017 From Forgotten Worlds link #2 link #3 link #4 link #5 ★★★★★auroch
metal dark ambient black metal death metal heavy metal doom metal NYP similar
02/2000 Ethereal Tomb nocturnus
metal black metal death metal goth similar
10/2021 Think of Me as Fire ★★★maere
metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore doom doom metal thrash metal sludge atmospheric black metal NYP similar
02/2016 Necromantic Love Songs link #2 ★★antropomorphia
metal death metal death extreme metal blackened death metal oldskool similar
10/2017 War Possession - Doomed To Chaos Tape ★★☆screaming victims distro
metal NYP similar
07/2020 Immortality Through Quantum Suicide link #2 ★★★★★xythlia
metal noise black metal death metal grindcore doom metal NYP similar
10/2022 Metaphysical Degradation link #2 ★★★★☆voidthrone
experimental metal black metal death metal blackened death metal avant-garde metal NYP similar
10/2016 Chaos Primordial link #2 ★★★☆dysylumn
metal black metal death metal progressive metal atmospheric black metal occult NYP similar
05/2014 A Triad of Plagues ★★☆binah
metal black metal death metal doom metal thrash metal similar
11/2013 Eon of Cycling Death ★★★★☆kever
metal black metal death metal heavy metal doom metal death similar
05/2018 Primordial Chaos Restored ★★★★ekpyrosis
metal death metal doom death metal NYP similar
07/2014 DIRGES OF ELYSIUM link #2 ★★★★☆incantation
metal black metal death metal hard rock heavy metal thrash metal similar
08/2022 Nahanagan Stadial link #2 ★★★★☆coscradh
metal black metal death metal doom metal thrash metal war metal similar
09/2010 Dead Lovers' Guide link #2 ★★★☆brutally deceased
metal black metal death metal old school death metal black death metal czech similar