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04/2022 Compulsion Analysis ★★★model prisoner
electronic metal noise hardcore grindcore hardcore punk similar

similar albums

03/2024 Disgust link #2 ★★★kidnapped
rock punk hardcore grindcore powerviolence fastcore similar
12/2012 Fucking Invincible "Very Negative" EP short ★★★★☆fucking invincible
punk noise hardcore hardcore punk noisecore powerviolence similar
08/2018 Shadow Snakes ★★☆shadow snakes
punk metal hardcore heavy loud noisy NYP similar
12/2016 Drown the Earth link #2 ★★★★pains
punk metal hardcore death metal grindcore thrash similar
05/2022 Pray To The Hive flesh machine
alternative noise post-hardcore metalcore screamo alternative metal NYP similar
05/2023 Felony Riddenmultiple pieces
metal hardcore emo metalcore math rock screamo similar
04/2021 Degradation ★★★☆colonial wound
punk metal indie hardcore hardcore punk post-hardcore similar
11/2021 Discography ★★★★☆jesuit
punk hardcore diy sludge heavy similar
12/2022 COLONIAL WOUND, "Easy Laugh" ★★★★★colonial wound
alternative punk indie hardcore noise rock metallic hardcore similar
03/2020 Last Day of Sun ★★★terror cell
metal post-rock noise rock metalcore post-metal sludge metal NYP similar
02/2022 Rule 36 link #2 link #3 ★★★★★intercourse
punk metal hardcore hardcore punk post-hardcore noise rock NYP similar
12/2016 Smoked ★★★☆ed gein
alternative punk indie hardcore noise rock metallic hardcore similar
12/2022 Chepang / Racetraitor Split short ★☆twelve gauge records
punk hardcore grindcore similar
07/2023 Blind Animal (Single) track meth.
metal black metal noisecore powerviolence screamo NYP similar
08/2022 When The Drugs That Made You Sick Are The Drugs That Make You Better ★★★☆crippling alcoholism
rock noise rock goth similar
11/2019 Bum Wine link #2 short ★★★★☆intercourse
punk hardcore rock & roll grindcore hardcore punk post-hardcore NYP similar
07/2021 This May Hurt A Bit link #2 link #3 link #4 ★★★★★bitter branches
rock punk metal noise indie rock hardcore NYP similar
07/2019 Untitled ★★★★colonial wound
metal post-hardcore noise rock similar
12/1996 Follow The Flock, Step In Shit short ★★★the locust
experimental punk metal noise electro post-punk similar
08/2020 PISS UNIVERSE model prisoner
electronic hip hop metal hardcore underground hip hop grindcore similar
09/2020 Laid to Waste link #2 ★★★☆horsewhip
punk metal noise hardcore crust heavy similar
09/2021 Nowhere Is Sterile link #2 ★★★★☆kidnapped
punk hardcore trap emo grindcore post-hardcore NYP similar
05/2020 Regional Jurtice Center short ★★★☆regional justice center
metal hardcore powerviolence grind fastcore similar
04/2021 Somnambulists link #2 ★★★☆there were wires
punk metal indie hardcore post-punk punk rock similar
03/2015 Split EPbleak sovereign
metal noise hardcore heavy metal post-hardcore metalcore similar
10/2022 Imposters Strangle Reality (Remix EP) short narakah
metal hardcore death metal grindcore deathgrind similar
09/2022 Demonstration ★☆suntouch house
rock similar
01/2020 The Process of Grief link #2 ★★★☆your spirit dies
metal hardcore death metal hardcore punk heavy metal post-hardcore similar
03/2021 Age of Scales ★★☆fed ash fentanyl tapwater
metal noise hardcore black metal grindcore sludge NYP similar
02/2021 The Sibyl link #2 ★★★☆porcupine
punk metal indie hardcore hardcore punk post-hardcore similar