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04/2016 DEPRESSANT ★★★★priapus
punk metal hardcore death metal grindcore crust NYP similar

similar albums

11/2005 Son Of Sulphur ★★★☆crowpath
metal metalcore technical death metal NYP similar
03/2006 Cruel ★★★★phobia
punk metal grindcore crust grind anarcho-punk NYP similar
04/2019 Mourn Innocence ★★★★☆ground
metal grindcore powerviolence slam similar
10/2008 In Narcosis link #2 ★★★☆maruta
punk metal death metal grindcore grind NYP similar
10/2022 Habitual Self-Abuse ★★★★ground
punk metal hardcore grindcore powerviolence slam similar
06/2013 GRINDCOHOLISM link #2 ★★★squash bowels
metal death metal grindcore goregrind grind gore similar
04/2017 Dios Carne ★★★★looking for an answer
metal death metal grindcore crust crust punk deathgrind similar
08/2023 Paralytic Love link #2 short ★★☆cave moth
experimental metal noise grindcore diy post-hardcore NYP similar
06/2020 Results Redux ★★★☆murder construct
metal noise death metal grindcore grind deathgrind NYP similar
07/2023 The Weight Of Being link #2 ★★★★☆organ dealer
punk metal death metal grindcore deathgrind similar
12/2022 After the Fall of Man (Split EP w/ Morgue Breath) short ★★blue holocaust
metal death metal grindcore goregrind NYP similar
02/2014 Where All Light Dies short ★★★★wvrm
metal noise hardcore death metal grindcore sludge NYP similar
03/2002 Human Larvae [Earthly Cleansing] ★★★☆commit suicide
metal death metal grindcore deathgrind NYP similar
03/2011 Forward Into Regression link #2 ★★★☆maruta
punk metal death metal grindcore grind deathgrind NYP similar
11/2018 Extinction Solution link #2 link #3 link #4 ★★★★the atrocity exhibit
punk metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore NYP similar
06/2003 Sulaco EP ★★sulaco
metal death metal progressive noise rock grind NYP similar
05/2021 Bury Them In The Graves They Dug For You link #2 ★★★★bled to submission
metal noise hardcore harsh noise grindcore hardcore punk NYP similar
11/2012 Like An Ever Flying Limb ★★★☆general surgery
metal death metal grindcore goregrind relapse records similar
12/2013 Despair ★★★☆wvrm
metal hardcore death metal grindcore sludge powerviolence NYP similar
12/2018 Life In Disgust link #2 link #3 ★★★suffering quota
punk metal hardcore death metal grindcore hardcore punk NYP similar
10/2023 Volume Two former human
metal death metal NYP similar
04/2011 Air Loom ★★★☆priapus
punk metal hardcore death metal grindcore powerviolence NYP similar
08/2019 Generation Coward ★★★★phobia
punk metal grindcore crust grind similar
06/2018 Dead Reconsiderations short ★★★extremely brutal
metal NYP similar
05/2018 This Was Supposed To Be Fun ★★★☆warfuck
punk metal grindcore powerviolence grind deathgrind similar
03/2024 The Dismal Advance ★★★★shock withdrawal
metal noise hardcore death metal grindcore hardcore punk NYP similar
11/2020 Tennis Elbow ★★★★sulk
punk grindcore powerviolence thrash slam similar
01/2021 PLASTIC BABY LIVING FACILITY ★★☆handsome prick
rock metal death metal grindcore similar
11/2022 Demo 2022 ★★brilliant behemoth
metal death metal grindcore goregrind d-beat crust punk NYP similar
05/2017 No Lives Matter ★★★grind of the dead
metal death metal grindcore deathgrind grindcore powerviolence similar