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08/2020 Politics Versus the Erection ★★★★venomous concept
punk metal hardcore grindcore thrash metal crossover similar

similar albums

08/2018 You Took The Sun When You Left ★★★★☆leeched
metal hardcore powerviolence crust blackened similar
03/2023 Apocalypse ★★★★★rotten sound
metal death metal grindcore grind deathgrind similar
12/2014 Stranger ★★★★★cretin
metal death metal grindcore grind brutal death metal deathgrind similar
11/2020 Pleine Noirceur link #2 ★★★★★fuck the facts
experimental ambient punk metal noise hardcore similar
07/2013 Underworlds link #2 ★★★★★mammoth grinder
punk metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore similar
05/2019 Buried in Light link #2 link #3 ★★★★★call of the void
punk metal hardcore black metal death metal grindcore NYP similar
03/2016 Abuse to Suffer ★★★★☆rotten sound
metal death metal grindcore grind deathgrind similar
02/2024 SHAME ★★★★★meth.
metal noise black metal post-hardcore noise rock noisecore similar
01/2020 To Dull The Blades Of Your Abuse ★★★★★leeched
metal hardcore powerviolence crust blackened similar
03/2016 The Great Destroyer ★★★★☆gadget
metal death metal grindcore grind extreme metal deathgrind similar
01/2023 BLACK TAR ★★★★★scalp
punk hardcore death metal grindcore west coast similar
04/1996 Through Silver in Blood ★★★★★neurosis
metal drone black metal death metal shoegaze progressive similar
03/2016 Slow Forever ★★★★★cobalt
metal hardcore black metal death metal heavy metal doom doom metal thrash metal progressive metal sludge similar
10/2012 Agnus Dei ★★★★★the secret
experimental metal black metal death metal similar
05/1998 Inhale/Exhale ★★★★★nasum
metal death metal grindcore deathgrind relapse records similar
05/2018 Suffer To Abuse ★★★★rotten sound
metal death metal grindcore grind deathgrind similar
04/2017 Infrared Horizon ★★★★★artificial brain
metal black metal death metal grindcore heavy metal doom metal thrash metal progressive metal brutal death metal technical death metal similar
01/2015 Body Collaborations ★★★★★the body thou
punk metal hardcore diy doom anarchist similar
01/2016 Kick Me Silly; VC3 ★★★☆venomous concept
punk metal hardcore grindcore thrash metal crossover similar
02/2017 Amber Mote in the Black Vault link #2 short ★★★★★full of hell
metal noise hardcore death metal grindcore NYP similar
06/2014 Savage Gold ★★★★★tombs
metal black metal death metal atmospheric black metal deathrock similar
02/2016 II ★★★★★magrudergrind
metal hardcore grindcore hardcore punk powerviolence grind similar
05/2014 When Life Comes To Death ★★★★★young and in the way
metal black metal rock & roll heavy metal d-beat similar
04/2013 Teethed Glory & Injury ★★★★★altar of plagues
punk metal hardcore black metal death metal doom doom metal progressive metal post-metal atmospheric black metal similar
04/2017 HUMANITY IS THE DEVIL ★★★☆integrity
metal hardcore similar
06/2013 Rudiments of Mutilation ★★★★★full of hell
metal noise hardcore death metal grindcore NYP similar
11/2020 Preyer ★★★★★ilsa
punk metal death metal doom sludge metal punk metal similar
04/2009 Agorapocalypse ★★★★☆agoraphobic nosebleed
metal death metal grindcore powerviolence deathgrind cybergrind similar
04/2017 Embryonic Devils ★★☆crypt rot
punk death metal heavy metal similar
11/2021 Slave to the Scalpel link #2 ★★★★★200 stab wounds
metal death metal slam similar