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01/2022 Rewrite The Story EP wes hoffman friends
punk alternative rock punk rock pop punk melodic hardcore similar

similar albums

06/2021 Early Riser on Left of the Dial Live early riser
punk indie pop pop punk power pop folk punk acoustic punk similar
06/2021 Hit Like A Girl on Left Of The Dial Livehit like a girl
alternative pop indie indie pop emo queer similar
09/2019 On Top Of The World (feat. Garrett Dale) track swiss army
rock pop hardcore indie punk NYP similar
07/2021 The Tisburys on Left of the Dial Livethe tisburys
rock indie rock rock & roll indie folk americana folk rock similar
01/2023 A Worthwhile Endeavour dead end drive-in
punk punk rock rock & roll NYP similar
10/2017 Likes to Talk dog & wolf
rock punk punk rock independent music similar
03/2013 We Are The Elitist Generation link #2 ★★☆success
rock punk indie hardcore punk rock pop punk similar
06/2015 Four Year Strong ★★★★☆four year strong
rock punk [CC BY-NC] similar
01/2021 Working Class Suicide Pact track ★☆ways away
rock alternative punk post-punk similar
01/2017 Battleground track ★★★★the bouncing souls
rock punk rock similar
10/2020 Volume 2 ★★★★the bouncing souls
rock punk rock similar
03/2021 Decades ★★★☆mike reed
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05/2021 Ways Away s/t ★★☆ways away
rock alternative punk post-punk similar
06/2011 Liars & Thieves good luck varsity
rock rock & roll pop punk similar
06/2011 Covering Ground ★★★chuck ragan
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06/2014 Look Alive ★★★★trash boat
punk pop punk similar
12/2020 Paradise ★★★★red city radio
punk similar
09/2022 Animal a vulture wake
rock punk rock progressive rock hard rock similar
11/2019 Moving On link #2last day before holiday
rock alternative punk punk rock pop punk similar
10/2022 Beg A Promise ★★★☆new junk city
punk punk rock rock & roll similar
08/2019 Always Late stay out
alternative punk pop punk similar
11/2022 A Fool's Errand link #2 short fire sale
rock alternative punk metal indie rock hardcore similar
09/2020 From Exile ★★★★★the menzingers
rock alternative indie rock similar
04/2022 The Best Of All Possible Worlds ★★★☆elway
punk indie similar
02/2017 Loudmouthabandon the midwest
punk punk rock pop punk similar
12/2023 GLAD WE MET glad we met
punk alternative rock punk rock pop punk garage punk skate punk similar
03/2017 Burial Grounds link #2 condition oakland
rock alternative punk indie rock punk rock emo NYP similar
08/2017 Home Is Where You Make It short — allweather
punk alternative rock pop punk similar
02/2001 Rode Hard and Put Away Wet diesel boy
punk punk rock pop punk skate punk similar
07/2021 Tacoma Is For Lovers ★☆let me downs
punk pop punk similar