198319831983 — similar artists: brendan ratliff, echolevel/syphus, syphus, bit crushed, ultrasyd, the artist formerly known as moby, gametal, oskill8, laamaa, Cyanide Dansen, ian stocker, Breakbeat Heartbeat 🥀, lizardking, 4mat, trash80, xyce, hexosphere, zabutom, Algar, thronocrigger, general offensive, nmlstyl, furius music, crashfaster, Vibe/crc, carf darko, mrsonic699, florelle, dinaari, Daniel Deluxe, kulor, cerror, brian min, dr. von pnok, ap0c, alioro, the maravers, xylo, washington rayk, edm: every day matters, business pastel, skip cloud, matt hammill, 486, dcapovgm, chiptunes4autism, DEFENSE MECHANISM, Kartmaze, tetracase, david burrows, Platonist, leiss, Vault Kid, Tobokegao, Game Genie Sokolov, nullsleep, Silent Owl,