alan+kelly — similar artists: aidan connolly, the yanks, mick o'brien, emer mayock, aoife nĂ bhriain, dylan foley, pádraic keane, tony macmahon, claire egan, jack talty, carlos sweeney mccartin, jayne pomplas, bodhran, alec finn (bouzouki) with briain bourke, frankie gavin (fiddle), nathan gourley and laura feddersen, james carty, the kane sisters, padraig rynne, dĂłnal mccague & tommy fitzharris, joe de georgeo, ian mckenna, tara breen, josh dukes, brenda castles, pádraig rynne, will woodson, caitlin finley, & chris stevens, jb samzun, saileog nĂ cheannabháin, john carlos, fergus mcgorman, bryan o'leary, dan gurney, ruairĂ mcgorman, blackie o'connell & hugh healy, steve cooney, trouble in the kitchen, charles monod, francis o'connor-flute/fiddle, damien o'reilly, nuadán, brian mooney -bouzouki., foolin in doolin, patrick mangan, conor lamb, brendan mulholland & deirdre galway, isaac alderson and dylan foley, ship in the clouds, duncan lyall, noel hill, tony linnane, blackie o'connell cyril o'donoghue, dougal adams, oisĂn mac diarmada, niamh nĂ charra, caroline keane & tom delany, sorcha costello, maura o'connor, ben stephenson, cara dillon,