ambot — similar artists: ambot, wegrzyn, bai tian), chop vol. 5(krzysztof orluk, noiko, xlorite, alinoe, matowy, RND, chmury, narzędzie, zen lu, burma project, eta carinae, pattern behavior, component recordings, raab codec, xyn, Grzegorz Bojanek, mon <o> taur, shimmer crush, alpturer, obscure formats, witch eyes, Funckarma, codec, Virlyn, logiq, obsure formats, deform, kestrol, order of the black pyramid, the pryner, jvox, deprivation v/a compilation, recycled plastics, shoosh, DigitalSimplyWorld, quench, cor bolten, circle of pines, m. persson: sounds, christopher alvarado compositions, bionulor, mystery artist, emil klotzsch, snowbeasts, shen piji, thing on a spring, Roel Funcken, procedural braindance, brother blue, futuresequence, audio gourmet netlabel, v/a artists, jack marchment, legiac,