battlemode — similar artists: nmlstyl, bit crushed, Cyanide Dansen, dinaari, chiptunes4autism, chip t4t, zaku!, Watch Out For Snakes, janice kwan, rekcahdam, d&d sluggers, business pastel, mansur, amateurlsdj, janice kwan × gardener, lesotho, Game Genie Sokolov, battlemode, chiptune cares, stars like ours, storm blooper, cheap dinosaurs, happy little clouds, bleeplove, Laffe the Fox, sam mulligan, brooklyn raga massive, datacats, brother android, donutshoes, don'tblinkoryou'lldie, gretchen shae & the middle eight, Tobokegao, glomag, nullsleep, Melos Han-Tani, ap0c, gene dante, vivid bloom, brick brker, warez waldo, holographic catholic, hexosphere, a bit of chiptune, dead cats dead rats, corner soul, eddie japan, 3xblast, doomcloud, rubrk, dboyd, run! run! jump! punch!, not bad not well, DEFENSE MECHANISM, cruel miracle, thronocrigger, dogsplusplus,