battlestorm — similar artists: warmoon lord, celestial bloodshed, ondskapt, misotheist, taake/whoredom rife, beyond man, vasaeleth, black blood invocation, reverence to paroxysm, darvaza, bythos, nathr, sortilegia, vesicant, amputation, mephitic corpse, antiversum, ritual death, enevelde, vorum, perdition winds, whoredom rife, gudsforladt, manii, gospel of the horns, cemetery urn, zhrine, armnatt, the ruins of beverast, frightmare, necros christos, azelisassath, saintbreaker, nocturnal witch, issolei, dark sonority, occelensbrigg, nexul, theriomorph, ordo cultum serpentis, degredo, nocturnal graves, lotus of darkness, syning, devouror, slutvomit, scum liquor, death like mass, spectral corruption, dungeon keeper, thy sepulchral moon, kever, terratur possessions, candlewolf disciple, vizir, ocerco, digerdöden,