bios_ — similar artists: casi cada minuto, tittingur, dominik suchy, split lp, flight coda, isama zing, t16c, ink midget, the tosspints, braidedveins, jacques kustod, blank wall season, othello aubern, boris vitazek, sister molly jones, reverend dick hickey, the savings time tabernacle choir, asvany, yeddie in the woods, teaheads, monika subrtova, punctum tapes, mt accord, save your generation records, naysayin, vrtačky po desáté hodině, mic write, power therapy, sound sleep, ptpf, golden torso, the white oranges, the lyricists, bolka, petunia-liebling macpumpkin, Tunde Olaniran, crypto tropic, amen tma, doogie, sineraw, frac & tone, ujko, dave peters, andrás cséfalvay, libby decamp, pjoni, laura k. balke, pain palace, brett ayala jones, yvanko, prohra praha, congress/green lights, UNIZONE, a jawbreaker tribute, mountain club, weltschmerzen, obete sekty,