blasfemas+records — similar artists: glöqke, gramarye, walpurgia, forgotten heritage, dune mear, jikininki, nogothula, vampyric, eternal downfall, brood in black, sulfurous presence, spellblood, trench warfare, gulguhk, lux noctis, amafufunyana, black lycanthropy, upamsu, well of night, devouring serpent, reeking nightshade, candlewolf disciple, black kruud, kasturn, liturgy of desecration, infernal dominion, graancirkel, nocturnal thirst, solemn imagist, demonarchy, conduit of chaos, vile command, burial oath, autumn's rapture, skadalv, girtablullĂ», arazubak, the astral serpent, ofstingan, skul command, sensorial numbness, deathsiege, howling nightwinds, vestiges.of.degenerate.majesty, cursed blood records, christrape, dakhanavar, nocturnacul, goathex, stahlijazhamur, occelensbrigg, blasfemas records, tĂrad dĂ»r, adati, second column, splintering lightning spear, synistre,