burning+star+core — similar artists: the nevari butchers, mousecop, rubber city noise, baingan bharta, eucarya, stelzer/murray, zurvan, dilloway, aaron dilloway, burning star core, faangface, dennis franz kafka, jason lescalleet, peanut twins, faaa, the nath family, cane swords, karl vorndran, the shadow ring, angst hase pfeffer nase, myriad valley, birchville cat motel, OMIT, fleshpress, fosil sangiran, black twig pickers (vhf), kbd(uo), ghost cut, dolph lundgren, wyld stallyns, blckdth, dj head boggle, our love will destroy the world, holykindof, wolf eyes w/spykes, vibracathedral orchestra, christ on parade, endless fog, eukaryotik, map collection, aaron dilloway/robert turman/john wiese, white heaven, robert beatty, barn owl, ouest, kid millions & jim sauter, jumping tiger, skeletons out, city of worms, futuro antico, wolf eyes, campbell kneale, the dead c, 1/3 octave band, w. zabarkas, surface of the earth, michael morley,