conduit+of+chaos — similar artists: conduit of chaos, devouring serpent, morgue walker, vile command, walpurgia, bejel/acwelan, nexwomb, gramarye, demonarchy, thy feeble saviour, kommando baphomet, misanthropic war, omnikinetic, your end, human agony, hinterkaifeck, febris manea, goathex, black blood invocation, deathsiege, blood chalice, liturgy of desecration, swarming, dionysian rites, blood omen/slege, witchbones, reeking nightshade, terrestrial hospice, blood ouroboros, messiah in the abyss, malus votum, tongues that tell secrets, complot!, bejel, endless loss, fetishism, sangre de la luna, arnor/pagan moon, yxxan, ulcerot, oppressive descent - sangre de la luna, sepulchral rift, psionic madness, crurifragium, luctum, directive, profane desecration, nocturnal thirst, black kruud, candlewolf disciple, barbaric horde, dakhanavar, kaltesblut, vomitrot, kaal akuma, wrath division, beastgod,