daedalvs — similar artists: the overmind, dawn of dementia, invert the idols, the partisan turbine, endless affliction, littledidweknow, sensory amusia, vena sera, labyrinthe, the hopewell furnace, timeless wounds, daedalvs, Disfiguring The Goddess, buried above ground, awaking athena, dawn of leviathan, buried side, and the kingdom fell, erica goes to america, one more victim, samskarasmetal, a trust unclean, yüth forever, xtexaschainsawx, altered perceptions, born with open eyes, cranely gardens, decimated humans, ode to the end, kossuth, the hudson horror, flawed saviour, the ralph, eye of ascendancy, navi mumbai, wired anxiety, man made god, exile into suffery, to obey a tyrant, wineville, proliferation, involuntary convulsion, ominous ruin, dethrone the deceiver, begging for incest, fractalline, necropia, whisteria cottage, did you mean australia?, foreboding ether, iconic vivisect, a million dead birds laughing, depths of hatred, lever of archimedes, cannibal grandpa, human improvement process, drain of impurity,