dave+massicotte — similar artists: jp lachapelle, dave massicotte, shellfin, dryasdust, dropshard, lord montague, sedulus, valfader, DSW, whalerider, the twenty committee, holoh, spirit division, the gentlemen bastards, caravan of whores, not otherwise specified, socionic, the witches drum, tempul, carthasy, hillward, ten cent pistols, palace in thunderland, blue black hours, one eyed moon, orsome welles, sonic mass, medule, lizard queen, black thai, electric ruin, soundcrawler, parasol caravan, the next hundred years, what the blood revealed, meandering mine, aeon of horus, AmonRa, Enos, quaoar, the moonshine brand, sahara surfers, blind the huntsmen, forgotten gods, Role of the Observer, zombie frogs, breaking orbit, his masters voice - the devils blues, violence of the sun, mindwarp, mire., slug comparison, paving the labyrinth, gorgantherron, space slavery, la mar, sleepers awake,