deathwitch — similar artists: walpurgia, crurifragium, regurgitated guts, invincible force, terrestrial hospice, kaal akuma, demonarchy, black blood invocation, sarvekas, vadiat, kever, necromaniac, entartung, amputation, imprecation/ black blood invocation, rituals of the dead hand, coffin nail, décryptal, necroblood, abysmalist, void terror, exsul, military shadow, shroud of vulture, demonomancer, the red widows, transylvanian recordings, anharat, caffa, mortuary punishment, cryptic brood/night hag, blasphemous putrefaction, thy feeble saviour, INSURGENCY, nuclear revenge, slutvomit, occlith, inisans, misanthropic war, venefices, nexul, nekus, decaying crypt, depraver, baneful storm, gravkvade, exaugurate, horrisonous, grave violator, dominum inferum, human agony, blood chalice, telluric effluvium, low flesh, gosudar/malignant altar, mordom, funerealm,