bandcamp explorer  🔍︎

decay+after+death — similar artists: larma, vivisected numbskulls, hounds of war, invertebrates, personal damage, blood ties, skemäta, in-valid, violent christians, bunker punks discs & tapes, sabré, valtatyhjiö, kinetic orbital strike, gristnam, necro heads, cold as life, this is progress, general speech, scalple, talk is poison, misanthropic minds, obstruction, wolfbeast destroyer, 100% blood, hellish view, blazing eye, crucified class, absolut, dissekerad, extended hell, severed head of state, kontaminate, kriegshög, drugcharge, reckoning force, disapprove, savageheads, clone-z, suck lords, jupiter hearts, self-inflict, systemik viølence, ztuped, dödläge, horrendous 3d, lose lose, insane urge, lebenden toten, stunted youth, slow death records, mock execution, shit coffins, d-sagawa, yleiset syyt, katastrof, sycophant, arrêt,