decimal — similar artists: vedicardi, neo neos, connie voltaire, the ultracore, love exposure, neotypes, born innocent, qqql, dusqk, reset generation, road of girl, meat wheat, emission control, rape revenge, beebb, atreo, akribisch rapid, nerv elevator, Physical Wash, daniel egg, fermenting piss, bleed the pigs, reid magette, inch deep pool of slush, the mysterious creep, CELLS, sword of kahless, human host/dead language, 操你香港警察, nutrition fun/stephen, zpore zpawn, 黒い樹海, wxmx6x9x, pond tiger, the frankie macdonald supergroup, wazto, diego go diego, sheridan woika, pachinko room winners club, weather t.v., dragon plant, mister pope, bbitftidacocw, mengir, archipelago lemon, reb sox, it's coming it's bad, elevator shift, alcian blue, fucking dyke bitches, your arms are my cocoon, shitnuts, stema, kool konnie, his sweatshop elves, coming, meda'tia,