dollar draft$ — similar artists: dollar draft$, romantyth, spike in vain, green elder, early man, fern treader, towergeist, fypm (fuck you pay me*cleveland*), private anarchy, fascinating, pillärs, joseph airport, fugitive wizard, asdariels tale, celestial veil, electric eels, knowso, quality time records, firnglow, tv drugs, void ooze, lace shawl, abysmal specter presents! wampyric vampir, forgotten wind, the nico missile, ricky hamilton, the voidboys, shagg, marty brass, envoi, somnuri, outerwear, hex clock, montgomery drive, the ink box, and knife punch records, aj cortes and the burglars, red devil ryders, zhmach, hello whirled, wesley who, hiram-maxim, Clem, 2 lazy boys, water nymph, the missed, faron, wyld timez, physarum, pig flayer, siphoner, peace decay, petite league, qoheleth, old nick, curta'n wall, rectangle creep, ricky hell, narvarog,