dragon's relic — similar artists: wolftower, gnipahålan, dragon's relic, digerdöden, azelisassath, ithildin tape production, summum, bekëth nexëhmü, ars hmu, balwezo westijiz, armnatt, demonomantic, degredo, trolldom, sorrows of the moon, cláirseach, iniquitatem, dyvyná, musmahhu, moss keep, mahomet renatus, urkaos, abscond, the owl knight, ancient records, spectral corruption, occelensbrigg, arazubak, tyranni, remigius, howling nightwinds, viridescent funeral, in dusk's embrace, thy sepulchral moon, windlance, diminishing spirit, muzgash, daudadagr, the astral serpent, tal'darim, scum liquor, bekëth neëhmü, hëxeris, maeglin, kasturn, wolfswut, whispers of umbar, howling mire, solemn imagist, vizir, erythrite throne/seregost, blutumhang, ocerco, black kruud, vampyric winter, under the branches of old trees, geist of ouachita,