escape+the+fate — similar artists: soreption, dream void, wolves at the gate, hard look, equipoise, make them suffer, Impending Doom, hollow world, a secret ending, as lions and lambs, evile, time, the valuator, Septa, blood of the martyrs, first fragment, the odious construct, we came as romans, as i lay dying, zac leaser, all hail the yeti, BEARTOOTH, dream on dreamer, diamonds to dust, blood thirsty, vctms, sal3m, symbolik, a loathing requiem, hatalom, demon king, eyes of the defiled, where deprivation lies, final surrender, aronious, Austrian Death Machine, exocrine, karybdis, windvent, throwdown, enfold darkness, virvum, brought by pain, any given day, brainblast, solus ex inferis, apogean, the absolution sequence, mordant rapture, dark matter secret, hollow front, spectrum of delusion, dreaded dale, legion of the damned, sacrificium, inanimate existence, From Ashes To New, renascent,